(Saturday 12th October) 10-4
Gift ideas & something really interesting!
Unit 7, Ermington Workshops, Ermington PL21 9NT
The workshop and gallery will be open for you to view the ever growing array of sculptures on display, as well as see where they are made in the workshop and the process behind their making. There is ample parking available as well as toilets, park and a village shop for lunch. I will be serving teas, coffees, drinks and nibbles to all those on arrival. Look forward to greeting you soon.
On average this event attracts 60 visitors over the course of the day, so expect a good atmosphere!
Autumn signals the end of Summer exhibitions, and a more creative time. I’m still preparing the special anniversary and Birthday gifts orders, but with the addition of Christmas ones too. It is a season of celebrating what has been and creating what is to come! That is what makes this ‘Open Day’ event special. When you come along you will be helping me to celebrate the year and also peeking at the new arrivals and exciting new ideas emerging!