Hi Ed

The best part of today was meeting you. I already knew I loved your art but it was lovely to see the creator behind it. 

Our wren was the perfect wedding gift and makes us smile and remember that day every time we catch a glimpse of it. 

Best Wishes


Hi Ed,
Arrived safely. 
Quite an art in packing as well as making!
Anyway I'm sure Susanne will be delighted with her Christmas present.
Thank you.


Hi Ed,

Received safe and sound and looking good.

All the best



Hello Ed

I visited the Wye Valley Sculpture Garden twice this year, once with my sister and once with my husband and some friends.  My favourite sculpture in the entire garden was Wren on a Crook, my husband heard me extolling its beauty, and unbeknown to me bought it for me for Christmas.  I couldn't believe it when I opened the parcel!  And now little Jenny wren is in my own garden.

It's a quiet, damp, misty day today, and Jenny has a water droplet hanging from the tip of her beak, it looks as though she's just picked up a berry or small bug!

I love the fact that she's made of old cutlery.  And think it is so clever of you to capture the 'essence of wren', so soft and delicate, with metal spoons and forks.  Thank you so much for creating her.

With best wishes for the New Year


Hello Ed,

Kim is thrilled with the beautiful Wren that you made.

We would like to be added to your mailing list and look forward to seeing some of your other sculptures when we stay at RHS Rosemoor in December during the winter sculpture exhibition.

Kind regards,



Proud owner of the kingfisher and wren! Thank you for the photo

Hi Ed,
Received on Saturday. (Dragonfly)
Absolutely stunning.  Gutted that I have brought it as a gift and have to let it go!
Kind regards 


Hi Ed
I finally got round to taking some pics of the dragon/damselflies in their natural habitat. ie my pond.

Hope you like and feel free to use them

Best wishes


Dear Ed

My kingfisher has arrived! I’ve just put him in my garden. Not sure he is in the right spot yet but will go on moving him around until it’s right.
Thank you so much for this..I am absolutely thrilled!
Cheers..and a few photos!


Hi Ed,

Just wanted to say huge thanks for the great birthday present that you have created. The wren looks great alongside our kingfisher. I will send a photo soon, the lighting isn’t great at the moment.


"Sooo happy Ed
Will layer be back
 Think we will alternate between us, my friend and I.. love them both. Will send photos of them. Hope I will be able to afford one on bullrush once ...

Much appreciated,"

Photos from a happy customer, the kingfisher has been set in a beautiful looking garden. Looks great under the tree. 09/05/2024

A lovely photo from a client who is really happy with this bird, which has been mounted in a stone with significant meaning to them. The backdrop for the photo is fantastic! 09/05/2024

Superb artwork; so realistic; sustainability at its best. Barbara 02/03/2024

Thrilled with my Wren. Here it is in the garden already. Judith 02/03/2024

Hi Ed, Just to let you know my my Kingfisher arrieve today. Thank you so much - its fabulous. Best wishes, Sarah 02/02/2024

Thank you Ed. The package arrived safely and the kingfisher is now out in the garden exploring his surroundings. See photo attached. It's lovely. Thank you. best wishes, Susan 31/01/24

Hi Ed, I hope you've had a great Christmas Day. I would just like to thank you for the wonderful wren my partner loved it..the best wren present I have bought!.. money well spent in my book. Thanks again and enjoy the holidays. Justin 25/12/2023


Hi Ed

Thank you for checking - yes it arrived and our friends are  thrilled with the kingfisher - they actually said - ' please tell him we absolutely love it- its a joy '!They were really  pleased too when we told them how much thought and time you put into getting the character right too! Dave and I really enjoyed  coming to your workshop, seeing how you work and  and meeting you and hope we will see you again soon and be able to buy  more of your fab work! Best wishes Sue 08/12/2023 


Dear Louise,

I have subscribed to Country Living for many many years, and treasure every copy.

While in Devon I visited a garden at Mothecombe House in the south Hams. It is a beautiful house with gardens that flow down a valley to a sandy cove.

One of delights in the garden, tucked away in different places, I discovered metal sculptures made from old knives forks and spoons etc. Dragon flies by the lake in different sizes, wrens secreted in the bushes, kingfishers and other delights. 

I have discovered that the artist creating these fabulous items works front a small workshop in Ermington Devon, just down the road from the garden in question.

I visited him today, and found him to be the most delightful young man. Brilliant and buzzing with ideas and I believe that his ethos of re using household items would appeal to your readers. 

His name is Ed Hill Metal Art. 28/09/2023


Thank you so much for ensuring the dragonfly arrived in time for Cate’s birthday. She was absolutely thrilled with it and, as you can see from the photo, it is already hovering nicely over our little pond. It looks fantastic. We do occasionally visit Devon for short break holidays and we will certainly be popping in to see you while we are down there to thank you in person.

Trevor 06/11/2023


Hi Ed, I was very pleased to be able to speak to you today and see the range of your work – very impressive!  The show today I thought was very good and also, I hope, worked for you. No doubt I’ll see you at other events. In meantime keep up the good work 😊 Best wishes,

Jim Dewar. 28/11/2022


Dear Ed, I just wanted to say how delighted I am with my wren which I was given by my family for my birthday. I had seen some of your work at the Delamore Art Exhibition in May and loved it. My sister must have taken note! I’ve put a photo of my wren as my profile picture on Facebook and have had many positive comments. I’ve told friends where it came from. I hope they’ll want one too! Best wishes. Hilary Wheatley 15/11/2022

Dear Ed, I’m emailing you as I am the very lucky person who received Hen 1 for my Christmas present from my husband. I was totally bowled over when he gave it to me, as I had no idea he had commissioned this from you. I’d loved the cockerel when I saw it in Devon, but Hen 1 is even better. As a hen owner, I can testify to how brilliantly you have captured a hen’s pose and expression – and all in cutlery. I am amazed at the result, so wanted to email you with my thanks and congratulations. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and may I wish you a very Happy New Year. Best wishes, Jo Smyth 27/12/2021


Hi Ed, “Wesley” was looking magnificent today in the rain! He had a real sparkle! Weve been to Delamore in some bad weather, but never anything quite as bad as today. Geoff and Liz 15/05/2021

Dear Ed, Thank you so much for the fabulous dragonfly. I think it will look super on the edge of out pond. I will send you a picture of it when “our” pond is completed (which always takes time”, Rome wasn’t built in a day” is our moto I think. Love from Kathy Wood 24/7/21


Hi Ed, our parcel arrived safely today, thank you! We’re delighted with it and wanted to say many thanks for the covering letter which was very informative and interesting. The rock will certainly keep the damselfly secure, I just need to work out how to put it in place without falling in the pond myself! Many thanks again for you excellent workmanship and service, keeping us informed on progress etc. We hope we can see you showroom when we are next in the area one day. Kind regards, Tony and Angela 22/10/2020


Hi Ed, I just wanted to let you know how ‘over the moon’ Emma is with her Birthday present. It has pride of place. She was also touched by the lovely letter you wrote us. Thank you so much for all your help, and we will definitely arrange to visit when in the area. James and Emma Love 31/08/2020


Ed Hill Thank you so much for singing at our Wedding. Everyones still talking about it. It was a perfect day. And Thank you so much for learning, singing our special song. ‘Shape of my heart’ by Sting. You sant it just perfectly. In fact, I like your version much better. I just cannot possibly thank you enough… Jane Wadsworth 23/08/2020


Hello Ed, My little bird arrived today and was awaiting me when I got back from duty. I is absolutely lovely the workmanship is brilliant… One delighted customer, Many thanks, Ann 23/06/2020


Hi Ed, I just wanted to let you know that the package arrived today in one piece. It’s amazing and better than I remember. I know Emma will love it. Thank you for the letter too. We’ll definitely arrange to come and meet you when we’re down in your neck of the woods. I will definitely take pride of place at home. Thank you so much once again for all your help. Kind regards, James 24/06/2020


Well done Ed. Very Nice. The Gallery has scrubbed up well! Swallow is the wall a nice touch. We are especially taken with the dove and the group of 3 birds. All the best. Geoff and Liz 30/05/2020


Hi Ed, Congratulations on you move! We wish you every success with your new workshop. We look forward to seeing your work exhibited. Love and peace, Chris and Lynn Hillaby 04/06/2020


Hi Ed, loved the virtual tour. Seeing you with your work is fab, it shows the size better and how much work is in the pieces. I am astonished how you achieve the accuracy of the animals and birds. Your eye for detail and ability to create is outstanding. It would be fabulous to see your drawings and how you get your ideas on what you are making and then see the finished piece. I can see how much work and money you have invested, all the exhibitions and events are getting you known. How about contacting BBC Spotlight and West Country news for TV? Recycle reuse and local is what it is all about and ticks so many boxes. Good luck Ed, you are amazing. Can’t wait to get over to see you there in your new pad. Lorraine and Colin 30/05/2020


Absolutely brilliant Ed. Really enjoyed the virtual tour, very professional and your art pieces are superb and we are really looking forward to a personal visit and viewing when the current situation is over. Take care and much love to all the family. Mike and Diane 30/05/2020


Hi Ed, Dove 2 is stunning. As is Dove 1. And so so needed right now. Well done Ed. You are a gifted deeply thoughtful and spiritual being I think, and this energy comes through you hands and is expressed in your work. Love and prayers from Teresa


Hi Ed, I’ve admired your work for so long. I saw the reedmace as soon as I sat down for coffee in the café this morning and totally fell in love with it… Can’t wait to pick it up and get in installed. Maggie King 18/06/2021


Thank you Ed, You are producing some wonderful work – your Lyrebird and dove are centre stage on our hearth! Congratulations on the Eco Prize – the Sphere looks superb. I hope your 1:1 workshops go well and that you are able to produce more artworks during the lockdown ready for 2021! Best wishes, Ruth 10/11/2020


Hi Ed, The Silver Squirrel arrived safely this morning. Needless to say, Lynn is thrilled with it. Thank you also for the card and letter. Kind regards, Mike. 30/01/2021


Dear Ed, Thank you, the Mandarin duck has arrived. It is magnificent! I am sure my mother will love it. Best wishes, Hazel Butland 26/02/2021


Good morning Ed, It was great to meet you yesterday to see and hear more about your artwork and of course to collect out beautiful dragonfly. I will send you a photo of it in situ once we have added a few plants to the pond. We hope to see more of your work at local exhibitions in the future. Hope all goes well this year and your business continues to grow. Kind regards, Sue Steptoe 11/03/21