Monday, 15 June 2020

Reclaimed Metal Art 'TrailArt' Teignmouth 2020

I am currently preparing artwork for 'TrailArt 2020' Teignmouth's waterside reclaimed metal art sculpture trail. Monday 20th July - Sunday 27th September Here is my proposal. This will be a sphere, made from rusted steel and stainless. I am unsure on the size, as I have not attempted anythnig like this before. I want to experiment with transitioning rust to shiny steel. Maybe it will work, maybe it won't...

Ed Hill Metal Art - Rusted Sphere

Ed Hill Metal Art - Rusted Sphere

Plus, some local equine beauty I have been admiring near where I live.

Ed Hill Metal Art - horse
My backyard

Ed Hill Metal Art - horse
My local walk

Ed Hill Metal Art - dartmoor ponie
Dartmoor ponies

Sometimes on my walk here at The Clay Factory the ponies come to graze.