Friday, 2 July 2021


Delamore is over and I feel very grateful to have sold 4 damselflies! Thank you to everyone who appreciated the damselflies, and to whom one of these will belong! I also have an order from Cotswold Sculpture Park too, so one more to add, hence I am making 4 in total.

I am looking forward to making more damselflies and dragonflies afterwards too, as there iridescent wings seem to be very popular. I would love to get some out to more places to be seen.

One of my challenges when making this bespoke work is getting enough supplies. These damselflies use ladels amongst other second-hand materials. I therefore have to keep up regular visits to my local charity shops and industrial units to keep up my stocks. designing artwork with second hand materials is really interesting. The preformed shapes add there own character/inspiration to the piece making it very unique.

These heads are formed with forks as you can see. They look discoloured at the moment, as I have had to get the metal very hot in order to bend them.

One of the bodies, formed and inspired from stainless steel towel rail pipe and ladel spoon.

These iridescent wings add a very unique finish to the piece. It is such a fantastic splash of colour to my designs.