Saturday 12 August 2017

Where do I get the metal from?

One place is 'Ivybridge Friends Motorcycle & Cycle Shop'. They provide me with lots of scrap metal, which helps to make my artwork so interesting to look at.

Some of it uses:

Gear cogs - gubbins that make up the inside of the bird sculptures
Bike chain - go round the gear cogs to give the impression of moving/functioning gears
Ball-bearings - make the great 'life-like' beady eyes
Hexagonal nuts - also used for the eyes

I think the bike parts help to give my work a sense of movement, a 'steampunk appearance', almost as though they function mechanically. The gears make me think of clocks, and the chains make me think of the turning motion of gears and wheels on a bike.

Thanks 'Ivybridge Friends Motorcycle & Cycle Shop'!